Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oh, PB&Js

5675 Sandalwood Blvd.  That house was amazing, but the Columbus neighborhood was not as fantastic, besides mom found this great piece of property in Delaware, Ohio. So we moved.  

Wayne Homes could not build our new house very quickly and so we spent our summer vagabond style.  We gratefully stayed in homes of friends who were enjoying their summer on vacation.  There was this one with an in-ground pool, and one with a jetted tub, but the most memorable one was peach.

We call it "peach nasty."  That is exactly what it was, peach and nasty. Similar to soft pink toes when one is trying to eat cheesecake, kind of nasty.  It had a pointed smell of foamy stain remover and only had one bathroom.  I remember standing in a line in the hallway, bladder about to burst, as I and the rest of the children waited for Dave to finish. 

The kitchen was small and the menu even smaller. Every night we had spaghetti, the Brodegards love spaghetti.  For every breakfast, lunch and snack, we would have Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. The brand of Peanut Butter and Jelly varied, but we always had the same hard, dry wheat bread.  That was how we grooved until Wayne homes got on top of things.

Eventually our house was finished and we moved in.  That was around nine years ago and finally I can eat Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches again without my nose tingling from memories of a foamy stain remover smell. Oh, good old Peach Nasty.

1 comment:

Christine said...

pink toes send off amoebas which ruin anything dairy based.

I'm glad you and I see eye to eye on this.